Freight elevators are only suitable for transporting goods. There are various types of service and freight elevators. They are used to transport materials in shopping malls, workplaces, hospitals and institutions. They are preferred because of their durability, long-term use and energy efficiency.
Dumbwaiters are used for the transportation of materials and goods between floors in restaurants, hospitals, libraries, industrial facilities, office buildings and yachts. They are hygienic thanks to the use of stainless steel. They meet all kinds of transportation needs with their 100-kg and 250-kg options. They only carry products. Guillotine doors that move up and down, or manually (optional) closing doors are used. They have been designed with anti-bacterial properties and are easy to maintain and clean. They can be produced to function as a heater or a cooler depending on the requirements. They have a travel distance of up to 15 meters.
This unit is designed for the transportation of service vehicles in hotels and hospitals. It can carry weight from 320 kg to 1,600 kg. It is suitable for transferring goods with people. Stainless-steel and anti-bacterial floor materials are used in the cabin.
For use in factories and workshops
It carries loads from 1,000 kg to 5,000 kg. It is suitable for transferring goods with people. When only goods are transported, transfer is provided with the “send” button between floors.